‘Wall Street’ - Gordon Gekko
- He talks about how greed will save the newspapers companies as well as America. He suggest that America have 2nd rate power and it is trade and physical deficete. He states the problems facing today's private sector, while blasting the bureaucracy responsible for said problems in the first place.
Milton Friedman on why Capitalism is best
- He talks about the distribution of wealth all over the place, and the greed runs all countries. He also suggested that Civilisation is not from the government it is created by individuals.
Bill Gates "How to fix capitalism"
- Bill Gates thinks that the gap between the poor and the rest of the world is growing. He suggest that if you are poor your voice will not be heard in the market place. Capitalism needs drawings from big companies, small companies and funding education will help capitalist/capitalism to grow even bigger.
The Disposable Heroes of Hiphoprisy "Television", "The Drug of the Nation "
- It talks about how Television distorts peoples percerption of what is right and wrong. He thinks that television create false consiousness, false consiousness is mainly for the poor, the poor accept their possition and refuse to find solution to their sufferings.
John Perkins ‘The truth about capitalism’
- It talks about global empire, and that countries with great resources the capitalism/capitalist will invade and take all of their resources. Capitalism or big companies will not benefit the poor instead they need to pay taxes and work for them will very low pay.
Problems with materialism
- It talks about how good life equals "goods life". They suggested that happiness is because of material things, however, there are some down sides; for example scientists suggested that if materialism is high the lower pro social, and the higher materialism the lower activities a person will do and also they also will care less about the earth or the environment in general. Materialism can also create depression.
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