Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Articles/links: Feminism

2011 documentary ‘MissRepresentation’ by Jennifer Siebel

This video contains discussion on how females are represented in the media. They think that media distorts people's perspective mainly male on women. Media is the message and the messenger. 

Sarah Silverman
"Women everyday are naked around each other everyday but it's just taboos in movies, it's jolting to see" - Sarah Silverman. The media exaggerates everything when it comes to females and the things that they do for example showing off their bodies, they think that only males can show off their bodies, and in our society today it is okay for males to strip while females can't.

Naomi Wolf discussing Third Wave feminism
She thinks that women voices and opinions are slowly sinking and that they don't get enough recognition and attention (media attention wise). Naomi Wolf says third wave feminism is far more pluralistic about sexuality and personal expression. She believes that third wave feminist uses the media to their opinions out there. Third wave feminism is about evolution not revolution. 

Cinderella ate my Daughter
The video talks about how female characters in movies are portrayed can have an affect on how little kids will look at life and their choices in life. The messages that they send to little kids are being nice and pretty are the most important things not being smart or being strong. 

The Simpsons / Malibu Stacey

Toys such as Barbies, can affect how little girls will look at life, how they will act, dress or present themselves in front of people. Somehow shows such as the Simpsons proves it.

Power Rangers Advert

Target market - boys, the advert promotes violence through they things they said (voice over) for example: battle and drive evil away. This can affect how little boys will treat other people in the future especially females. 

Bratz Advert

The advert promotes growing up to little girls when they are not supposed be yet. They evoke little girls that make up is good and changing their appearance will get them more attention. Little girls might carry this doing when they grow up and become an adult. Stereotype. 

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