- Discourse
- Mode of address
- Technology
- Ideology
- Narrative
Discourse can be refer to as:
- A type of language used in a particular context or by a particular group. For example: lawyers in court.
- It can also be an analysis of the language of the whole text.
- It can also be a way of constructing reality or a form of knowledge.
Mode of address
Looking at the specific ways in which the texts communicate with their audience.
- How texts represented in the media?
- What are the motivations behind the representations?
- How are we (audience) expected to react to the representation?
- How do we interpret the tone and register of the text itself?
- How does the text address to the audience?
- What does texts or the producers want the audience to feel?
Technological Determinism - technological changes in society.
Technological Constructionism/Social Determinism - society drives changes in technology it develops out of our needs.
Planned obsolescence - the idea that products we purposefully designed to be within a period of time so that an upgrade is necessary.
Ideology are values of society which are affected by race,ethnicity, religion, age, background and by peers. Note: Britain is multicultural (society).
Narrative refers to the ways in which meanings are structured as stories. Narrative is not just fictional.
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