Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Movie: Let The Right One In

Let The Right One In (2008)- Directed by Tomas Alfredson


What’s there?

  • Pale Skin
  • Blood
  • Fangs 
  • Supernatural powers e.g. flying, hypnotising
  • Servant
  • Cold skin
  • They can resists the cold weather (Winter)
  • They cannot go outside during the day.
  • They don’t know their actual age/they don’t age.
  • They cannot step in inside any particular place without being granted permission.
  • They will bleed to death if they aren’t granted a permission.
  • Animals know whether  they are vampires or not; e.g. Cats.
  • Smells awful
  • Cannot eat any other food  other than blood.
  • Big and animated eyes.

What's not?
  • Cape(black clothes)
  • It was a girl vampire. (Very rare considering the fact the most vampires are boys.)
  • The location was at an apartment or small town will plenty of people. 
  • Most vampires are located at forests and mansions. 
The movie contains horrific images and actions, violence, romance and many more.
Certificate: 15

The colour that they used affect the atmosphere of the movie or different scenes in the movie. For they example the frequent use of the colour grey and dull colours all throughout the movie; this is when it comes to the characters clothing or just the setting of the movie in general. The sound or the music that they used also affect the atmosphere and how the audience will react or feel. The movie was filmed during the winter season, the wind sound gives eerie feeling, the background music that they used in intense situation or building up the tension is also very important in creating the atmosphere of the scene being presented in the movie.

The movie follows a story about a young girl named Eli a vampire and a young boy who's not a vampire named Oscar. Oscar fell in love with Eli not knowing that she was a vampire. Eli had a servant probably her father, her father killed so many innocent people just to collect blood for Eli for her to survive. Later on her father sacrificed for Eli by pouring acid directly to his face because he doesn't want people to recognise him and especially Eli. As the film goes on Eli given Oscar the courage to fight back to his bullies and their relationship started to become more serious and relax; they started to hang out even more specially when Eli's father killed himself. Oscar then started to wonder Eli on why she always smells horrible, how she can't feel the cold, they can't go out and spend time together during the day, how she can't eat actual food. Later on Eli confessed that she's a vampire, Oscar accepted her. Oscar was bullied again by his bullies and then Eli saved him by killing some of his bullies; then they escaped together.

Family and Love- Importance of family, Eli's father sacrifice himself to protect her. Father is the provider, her dad provided/killed people to get blood for Eli to drink in order for her to survive.
Love when it comes to be wanting to be loved by someone even though she is different and wanting to be accepted for a condition she didn't want to have in the first place.

Let The Right One In- Official Trailer 

Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Key Theoretical Approaches

Exploring place of women in society having equal opportunities with men.


Equality of wealth.

Market Liberalism 

Entrepreneurs who make money

Post Modernism 

Challenging the traditional

Post Colonialism

Equality of opportunities for all ethnicities valuing individual cultures and cultural practices.

Friday, 5 July 2013

Key Concepts

  • Discourse
  • Mode of address
  • Technology
  • Ideology
  • Narrative
Discourse can be refer to as: 
  • A type of language used in a particular context or by a particular group. For example: lawyers in court.
  • It can also be an analysis of the language of the whole text.
  • It can also be a way of constructing reality or a form of knowledge.

Mode of address 
Looking at the specific ways in which the texts communicate with their audience. 
  • How texts represented in the media?
  • What are the motivations behind the representations?
  • How are we (audience) expected to react to the representation?
  • How do we interpret the tone and register of the text itself?
  • How does the text address to the audience?
  • What does texts or the producers want the audience to feel?

Technological Determinism  - technological changes in society.

Technological Constructionism/Social Determinism - society drives changes in technology it develops out of our needs. 

Planned obsolescence - the idea that products we purposefully designed to be within a period of time so that an upgrade is necessary. 

Ideology are values of society which are affected by race,ethnicity, religion, age, background and by peers.  Note: Britain is multicultural (society). 

Narrative refers to the ways in which meanings are structured as stories. Narrative is not just fictional.